Top Laravel Interview Questions and Answers

Laravel is a highly regarded PHP framework used for web application development. It has gained significant popularity in the industry mainly because of its features, such as its simplicity, elegance, and robustness.
As per Builtwith, 1,729,522 have used Laravel technology, and there are 702,811 live websites worldwide. Regarding India, 20,002 websites currently use Laravel in India. As a result, the demand for talented Laravel developers is continuously increasing and is projected to rise further.
If you have to appear for an interview for a Laravel developer position, you've come to the right place. Here, we provide a comprehensive list of Laravel interview questions and answers that would help you prepare for your next interview. By familiarizing yourself with these questions, you can enhance your knowledge and confidence and gain a competitive edge in the job market. So, let's dive in and excel in your Laravel career journey!
Quick Facts About Laravel | |
What is the latest version of Laravel? | 10.0, released on February 14th, 2023. |
When was Laravel first released? | June 2011. |
Laravel is Created By | Taylor Otwell |
What language does Laravel use? | PHP |
Which is the best IDE for Laravel? | Netbeans, PhpStorm, Atom, Sublime Text |
Laravel Developer Interview Questions (2024)
- What is Laravel and how does it differ from other PHP frameworks?
- What are the key features of Laravel?
- What is the importance of Composer in Laravel?
- What are Service Providers and how do they work in Laravel?
- What is the purpose of Facades in Laravel?
- What is the difference between Eloquent and Query Builder in Laravel?
- What is a Middleware in Laravel and how is it used?
- What is the purpose of Artisan in Laravel and how is it used?
- What is the difference between a Repository and a Service in Laravel?
- How do you implement caching in Laravel?
- How do you handle errors and exceptions in Laravel?
- What is a Service Container in Laravel and how is it used?
- How do you implement Authentication and Authorization in Laravel?
- What are Laravel Contracts and how are they used?
- How do you create and use Events and Listeners in Laravel?
- What is the purpose of Queues in Laravel and how are they implemented?
- How do you implement Localization in Laravel?
- What is a Trait in Laravel and how is it used?
- What is the difference between CSRF and XSS attacks in Laravel?
- How do you optimize the performance of a Laravel application?
Laravel Interview Questions for 5 years experience
You can use php artisan key:generate
to generate your application key.
Here is an example to understand the concept of using group_concat() to join in Laravel. We have 3 tables like "dynamic_forms", "dynamic_forms_mapping", "categories".
$list = DB::table('dynamic_forms')
->select("dynamic_forms.*" ,DB::raw("(GROUP_CONCAT( SEPARATOR ', ')) as category"))
->leftjoin("dynamic_forms_mapping", "dynamic_forms_mapping.form_id","=","")
->leftjoin("categories", "dynamic_forms_mapping.category_id","=","")
->where('dynamic_forms.status', 1)
You can extend the login expire time with config\session.php this file location. Just update lifetime the value of the variable. By default it is 'lifetime' => 120. According to your requirement update this variable.
'lifetime' => 180
Artisan is a type of the "command line interface" using in Laravel. It provides lots of helpful commands for you while developing your application. We can run these command according to our need.
Laravel supports various artisan commands like
- php artisan list;
- php artisan –version
- php artisan down;
- php artisan help;
- php artisan up;
- php artisan make:controller;
- php artisan make:mail;
- php artisan make:model;
- php artisan make:migration;
- php artisan make:middleware;
- php artisan make:auth;
- php artisan make:provider etc.;
Laravel Gate holds a sophisticated mechanism that ensures the users that they are authorized for performing actions on the resources. The implementation of the models is not defined by Gate. This renders the users the freedom of writing each and every complex spec of the use case that a user has in any way he/she wishes. Moreover, the ACL packages can be used as well with the Laravel Gate. With the help of Gate, users are able to decouple access logic and business logic. This way clutter can be removed from the controllers.
Developers use packages to add functionality to Laravel. Packages can be almost anything, from great workability with dates like Carbon or an entire BDD testing framework such as Behat. There are standalone packages that work with any PHP frameworks, and other specially interned packages which can be only used with Laravel. Packages can include controllers, views, configuration, and routes that can optimally enhance a Laravel application.
There are many packages are available nowadays also laravel has some official packages that are given below:-
- Cashier
- Dusk
- Envoy
- Passport
- Socialite
- Scout
- Telescope etc
Validation is the most important thing while designing an application. It validates the incoming data. It uses ValidatesRequests trait which provides a convenient method to authenticate incoming HTTP requests with powerful validation rules.
Here are some Available Validation Rules in Laravel are listed:-
- Alpha
- Image
- Date Format
- IP Address
- Numeric
- Size
- Min , Max
- Unique with database etc
Laravel is an appropriate choice for PHP builders to use for building an API, especially when a project’s necessities are not exactly defined. It's a comprehensive framework suitable for any type of application development, is logically structured, and enjoys robust community support.
Laravel includes factors for not solely API development, but front-end templating and singe-page software work, and other aspects that are totally unrelated to only building a net utility that responds to REST Http calls with JSON.
With this @extends('layouts.master')
we can extend this master layout in any view file.
In this example layouts are a folder that is placed in resources/views
available and the master file will be there. Now "master.blade.php" is a layout file.
We can use
return redirect('/')->withErrors('You can type your message here');
return redirect('/')->with('variableName', 'You can type your message here');
return redirect('/')->route('PutRouteNameHere');
This is highly recommended you go through all these laravel interview questions twice or thrice before going to an interview. Also, try to give an example of every question wherever possible. This will add a bonus point to your plate and shows your expertise in laravel coding. Also, make sure your answers should not be lengthy or sounds like a boring story. Keep your answers short and clear with the help of examples.