WordPress Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Sep 05, 2024
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WordPress Interview Questions

Thinking of making your career as a WordPress Developer? Well, going in the right direction I must say. We should be thankful for the year 2003, as the first version was released this year. Today WordPress holds a market share of around 57.5% or to say it in other words it owns over one-third of the web. You will find infinite opportunities from all the reputed companies and we will help you to grab one of these opportunities by providing deep knowledge of WordPress Interview Questions and Answers. In this social era, designing a good and attractive website for any business is so common to attract customers from all social platforms.

Quick Facts About WordPress
What is the latest version of WordPress? 6.4, released on November 7, 2023
Created By Matt Mullenweg
What language does WordPress use? PHP
WordPress License GNU Public License

Most Frequently Asked WordPress Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked WordPress Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q31. How do you create a page template?

We can create templates for various purpose like if we want to make a different layout rather than a home page or if we want to display custom posts types like news than we can create a template and merely display all news there.

Steps to create template in wordpress themes.

  • Create a news.php file on root in theme folder.
  • Insert get_header(); and get_footer(); in news.php page
  • Add in top of this created page. Now this template name is "News Template".
Q32. How to make any others pages to front page in WordPress?

To make your static page as a front page you have to follow these steps

  • Goto Admin Panel
  • Select "A Static Page"
  • Choose you page from "Front page" section
  • Now your selected page from Front Page is set default front page.


Wordpress Interview Questions


Q33. What are WordPress hooks?

It is provided by WordPress to allow your plugin to ' hook into' the whole WordPress; that is, to call functions in the plugin at particular times according to your need and thereby set your plugin in motion.

There are two kinds of hooks:
  • Actions hook
  • Filters hook
Q34. What are the difference between action hook and filter in WordPress?
1. Actions Hook

Actions Hook are triggered by particular events that take place in WordPress such as changing themes, publishing a post, or displaying an administration screen. It is a custom PHP function defined in your plugin and hooked, i.e., set to respond, to some of these events.

Actions offently do one or more of the following things

  • Modify database data
  • Send an email message
  • Modify the generated administration screen or front end page sent to a user web browser.

Here are some Actions Functions listed

  • has_action()
  • do_action()
  • add_action()
  • remove_action() etc
2. Filters Hook

Filters Hook are functions that WordPress passes data through, at certain points in execution, just before taking some action with the data. It sits between the database and the browser and between the browser and the database; all most all input and output in WordPress pass through at least one filter hook.

The necessary steps to add your filters to WordPress are listed:

  • Create the PHP function that filters the data
  • Hook to the screen in WordPress, by calling add_filter()
  • Put your PHP function in a plugin file and activate it.

Here are some Filters Functions listed

  • has_filter()
  • doing_filter()
  • add_filter()
  • remove_filter() etc
Q35. What is the defaul table prefix in WordPress?


Q36. What are the difference between post and page in WordPress?

In WordPress, Posts is a dynamic entity that has a published or updated date and is displayed on the blog page.

Example: news, events etc

Pages do not have published or updated date. Hence there are useful for the static and timeless type of content.

Example, the “About Us” or “Contact Us”

The difference between pages and posts is that the WordPress page is a static entity and post is a dynamic entity.

Q37. How can you disable comments in WordPress?
  • Goto admin panel -> setting -> click on the Discussion tab
  • Under Default article settings uncheck the box next to Allow people to post comments on new articles
  • Now click on Save Setting
Q38. Explain the usermeta function in WordPress.

This function is used by developers to retrieve the metadata of users. The usermeta function is capable to return an array or single metadata. The following syntax needs to be used to apply usermeta function.

get_user_meta( int $user_id, string $key = '', bool $single = false )

Q39. Explain Avatar in WordPress?

Avatar or Gravatar is an icon or representation of a user in a shared virtual reality, such as chat, forum, website or any other form of online community in which the user wants to have something to distinguish themselves from other users.

It usually an 80px by 80px image that the user will create by ownself.

Q40. What is Category in WordPress?

A category is one of the predefined taxonomies in WordPress, and it is used to sort and group content into different sections. In new WordPress installation, "Uncategorized" is the default category. We can change the default category from Settings -> Writing screen. In WordPress post can be filed under many categories and can have both tags and categories.

For Example


WordPress Interview Questions

WordPress Developer Interview Questions

"Why do we actually need a WordPress developer?". People want to build amazing websites with it. But whenever these websites become more and more complex and heavy, admins all over the world will search for a good WordPress developer.

WordPress Developer Interview Questions
These are the qualities an interviewer is looking for in their candidates and we are here to help you achieve them. So let's begin with WordPress Developer Interview Questions. The desirable qualities of a developer are to be able to manage both the front-end and back-end website management and you can do this when you have a good grasp of the web programming languages and knowledge of all the important tools and plugins.
  • Which function is used to get the website URL in WordPress?
  • What is the custom field in the website?
  • What are the points to remember while using plugins in WordPress?
  • What techniques can be used to prevent brute force login attacks?
  • How would you change all the occurrences of "Best Interview Questions" into "Best Interview Question & Answers" in post/page contents, when viewed before 1 AM?


The demand for this website management system is so huge that there could be many more questions related to it but we have tried to cover most of them. By going through these WordPress interview questions and practicing more of them, you will surely gain confidence in your preparation and are ready to take one step forward in cracking your interview. In the end, we all are human and mistakes are an integral part of being human. Let us know if you found some mistakes or important questions which we missed. If you are looking for an opportunity to move ahead in your career as a WordPress developer or if you are looking for WordPress Developer Interview Questions for Freshers or Experienced that can help you crack your interview.

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