Full stack interview questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Full stack developer interview questions

A Full Stack developer is expected to have the functional knowledge and the ability to work on all aspects involved in building an application. A Full Stack developer should be able to write front-end code in Java, HTML, and JavaScript; create APIs and write backend code in Python/Java and Ruby; work on hardware and OS; have knowledge of networking and security; understand design and query databases. Here is the list of Full Stack Developer Interview Questions that will help you to crack your interviews.

Most Frequently Asked Full stack interview questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Full stack interview questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q31. What is a connection leak, and how can we fix it in Java?

A connection leak implies a portion of the information base request/transaction are not getting shut as expected or are not getting committed. Lastly, those connections are getting abandoned and shut down all time.

To fix the leaks, you have to find where you have used the opening connections and then use try-with-resources that will do all the close() stuff for you.


try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url); 
PreparedStatement statement = createPreparedStatement(connection); 
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) { 
// process the resultSet here, all resources will be cleaned up }

Q32. How can we detect and avoid deadlock in Java?

A deadlock can appear almost when the processes share the resources. To detect the deadlock, the wait-for graph should be maintained, and the system invokes an algorithm periodically that searches for cycles in the wait-for graph.

How to avoid deadlock:

  • Avoid nested locks: The main reason for the deadlock is giving locks to multiple threads. You should avoid giving the locks to multiple threads when you have already given them to one.
  • Avoiding unnecessary locks: We can lock only the required members. To have a lock unnecessarily can lead to a deadlock.
  • Use Thread. Join (): Deadlock condition appears when one Thread is waiting for another to finish. In case this condition arises, we can use the Thread. Join () with the maximum time the execution will take.
Q33. What are the different methods of session management in Servlet?

There are generally four main methods of session management in Servlet.

  • URL rewriting
  • Cookies
  • HTTPS and SSL
  • Hidden Form Fields
Q34. How many ways to handle exceptions in the Spring MVC Framework?

Spring MVC Framework provides two ways for handling the exceptions:

  • Using XML configuration: this configuration is similar to the exception handling in Servlet/JSP, by calling a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver bean in the context file of Spring's application and the type of map execution with the view names. This approach simply applies to all the controllers in the application.
  • Using exception handler method: The annotation type “@ExceptionHandler" provided by Spring is being used to annotate the method to handle the exceptions raised by the controller's methods. This approach applies to only the controllers in the application where the handler method is declared.
Q35. Can you override a static method in Java?

The static method can't be overridden in Java. This is because the overriding method depends upon the runtime dynamic binding, whereas the static methods are bonded statically at the compile time. Also, the static method is not linked with any of the class instances, so the concept is not applicable.

Q36. Which one is better, setter injection or constructor injection?

Constructor injection is better.

If you want to prompt the class, you always do it with the constructor. When you are using the constructor-based injection, the only way to prompt or instantiate the class is by using the constructor. If you pass the dependency via a constructor, it becomes obvious that it is an essential dependency.

However, if you use the setter injection in the POJO class, you might face challenges in setting the value of your class variable by using the setter method. This is entirely based on the customer's needs which is optional. If you pass the dependency via setter, it means that it is an optional dependency.

Q37. What is the difference between Errors and Exceptions in Java?
Errors Exceptions
The type of error in Java is Java. Lang.Error. The type of exception in Java is Java. Lang.Exception.
The type of all the errors in Java is unchecked. Exceptions include both checked and unchecked types.
It is impossible to recover from errors. You can recover from exceptions by handling them via try-catch blocks.
The reason for causing the errors are the environment where the application is running. The application itself causes exceptions.
Q38. What is the difference between boxing and unboxing in Java?
Basis Boxing Unboxing
Basic The object type refers to its value type. It is the process of fetching value from the boxed object.
Storage The value stored on the stack is copied to the object stored on the heap memory. The value of the object stored on the heap memory is copied to the value type stored on the stack.
Conversion Implicit Explicit
Example Int n = 24;
Object ob = n;
Int m = (int) ob;
Q39. What is the use of overloading and overriding in Java?

The overloading method is used in Java when two or more methods share the same name in the same class but with different parameters.

class Dog{
   public void bark(){
     System.out.println("woof ");
  //overloading method
  public void bark(int num){
    for(int i=0; i < num; i++) {
      System.out.println("woof ");

The overriding method defines the case where the child's class redefines the same method as their parent class. The overridden methods should have the same argument list, name, and return type.

class Dog{
   public void bark(){
     System.out.println("woof ");
class Hound extends Dog{
   public void sniff(){
     System.out.println("sniff ");
   public void bark(){

public class OverridingTest{
   public static void main(String [] args){
     Dog dog = new Hound();

Q40. How garbage collection makes Java more memory efficient?

Garbage collection makes Java more memory efficient by simply removing the objects which are not referenced to anything from the heap memory and creating the free space for the new objects.

Java full stack developer interview questions

A java full stack developer is the person who is responsible for developing the frontend and the backend of the application. The term java full stack developer is used for the web developers who use Java for developing their entire technology stack.

  • Import of project and the files
  • Oops Concepts
  • Core concepts
  • Java array
  • Collection Framework
  • Debugging

There are a lot more skills that a java full stack developer requires, but the above ones are a must.

Java full stack developer interview questions
If you are looking for Java full stack developer interview questions, then we recommend you prepare yourself with the must-have skills required for a java full stack developer, which are listed below:
  1. What is a connection leak, and how can we fix it in Java?
  2. How can we detect and avoid deadlock in Java?
  3. What are the different methods of session management in Servlet?
  4. How many ways to handle exceptions in the Spring MVC Framework?
  5. Can you override a static method in Java?
  6. Which one is better, setter injection or constructor injection?
  7. What is the difference between Errors and Exceptions in Java?
  8. What is the difference between boxing and unboxing in Java?
  9. What is the use of overloading and overriding in Java?
  10. How garbage collection makes Java more memory efficient?
  11. What are Java's doGet () and doPost () methods?

Wrapping up

These are Java full stack developer interview questions that are going to help you in acing your upcoming interview. Prepare these questions very well and practice the coding part multiple times to ensure you didn't miss anything in your interview. If you have any suggestions about this article, please feel free to comment on the below box with your suggestions or feedback. If you want to learn more about the preparation for full stack developer interview questions, please visit our blog [blog link to be added].

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