Full stack interview questions and Answers

A Full Stack developer is expected to have the functional knowledge and the ability to work on all aspects involved in building an application. A Full Stack developer should be able to write front-end code in Java, HTML, and JavaScript; create APIs and write backend code in Python/Java and Ruby; work on hardware and OS; have knowledge of networking and security; understand design and query databases. Here is the list of Full Stack Developer Interview Questions that will help you to crack your interviews.
Most Frequently Asked Full stack interview questions
S.no | GET | POST |
1. | GET is used for recovering the data | POST is mainly used for writing the data |
2. | It carries the request parameter in the URL string | It takes the request parameter in the message body. |
3. | It can be bookmarked | It cannot be bookmarked |
Abstract | Interfaces |
Abstract classes cannot be implemented. | The Interfaces needs to be implemented. |
They are models which can have some methods to be used by all the inherited children. | It is a contract, where the receiver is asking a specific type of input and sender agrees to send it that way. |
Abstract classes can have private methods. | Interfaces can not have private methods. All the plans are public. |
A full stack developer should know:-
1. Programming languages
Must be proficient in multiple languages, including PHP, Java, C #, Ruby, Perl, Python, etc. Must be familiar with different ways to structure, design, implement and test the project based on languages.
2. Frameworks:
Must know the words that are accompanied by development frameworks, such as Spring, JAVA, MyBatis, Python Django, PHP think PHP, Hibernate, nodeJs express, yin, etc.
3. Front-end:
Must master necessary front-end technologies such as CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. Additional study of third-party libraries such as JQuery, SASS, LESS, AngularJS, or REACT is also required.
4. Databases:
Knowledge of at least one database is expected. Currently, the popular databases are MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, SQLServer and Redis.
5. Design ability:
Basic knowledge of the principle of prototype design, UI and UX design is needed.
A RESTful API is also known as RESTful web service. Full form of REST is Representational state transfer, and complete kind of API is Application program interface. This program interface uses HTTP protocol to define the set of function such as GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. RESTful API is used.
REST is mostly used in developing Web applications.
A Callback Function is a function which is passed as a parameter to another function,.The callback function run inside of the function into which it was passed. JavaScript Callback Functions can be used synchronously, and it can also be used asynchronously. Application programming interfaces of the Node are written in such a way that they all support callbacks.
HTML 5 has “data-*” which are custom attributes defined by the developer. They are used when any existing characteristic is not suitable to be used. These attributes are only used on the page they are written on, and they do not need AJAX calls.
These are Global attributes, so they can be applied to any element.
Point to be noted: Go through this Q&A very thoroughly as this is one of the essential full stack developer interview questions.
S.no | MVP | MVC |
1. | View handles the user gestures | The controller manages the user gestures |
2. | The interaction with the model is passed through the presenter | The view can query the model directly |
3. | Provides full sport to unit testing | Provides limited support to unit testing |
S.no | defer | async |
1. | It downloads the file during the HTML parsing but executes the data after the parsing is completed. | It downloads the data during the HTML parsing, but it stops the parsing from executing the downloaded file. |
2. | Defer is used when the script relies upon another script. | Async is used if the script does not rely upon any scripts. |
S.no | resetting | normalizing |
1. | Resetting removes all the built-in browser styling. | Normalizing makes the integrated browser styling consistent across the browsers. |
2. | It does not provide bug fixes. | It includes bug fixes. |
The acronym ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
Java full stack developer interview questions
A java full stack developer is the person who is responsible for developing the frontend and the backend of the application. The term java full stack developer is used for the web developers who use Java for developing their entire technology stack.
- Import of project and the files
- Oops Concepts
- Core concepts
- Java array
- Collection Framework
- Debugging
There are a lot more skills that a java full stack developer requires, but the above ones are a must.

- What is a connection leak, and how can we fix it in Java?
- How can we detect and avoid deadlock in Java?
- What are the different methods of session management in Servlet?
- How many ways to handle exceptions in the Spring MVC Framework?
- Can you override a static method in Java?
- Which one is better, setter injection or constructor injection?
- What is the difference between Errors and Exceptions in Java?
- What is the difference between boxing and unboxing in Java?
- What is the use of overloading and overriding in Java?
- How garbage collection makes Java more memory efficient?
- What are Java's doGet () and doPost () methods?
Wrapping up
These are Java full stack developer interview questions that are going to help you in acing your upcoming interview. Prepare these questions very well and practice the coding part multiple times to ensure you didn't miss anything in your interview. If you have any suggestions about this article, please feel free to comment on the below box with your suggestions or feedback. If you want to learn more about the preparation for full stack developer interview questions, please visit our blog [blog link to be added].