How to install Redis windows?
Here is one of the way of installing the Redis on Windows:-
1.Install some packages
- $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
- $ sudo apt-get install tcl8.5
2. Download the source code of the latest version of Redis.
3. Extract the file that has been downloaded.
4.Compile the Redis source
- $ sudo make distclean
- $ sudo make –j
5.Test the compiled files ((optional))
- $ sudo make test -j
6. After compilation, copy the Redis binaries under /usr/local/bin/ and then install the Redis server by the following instructions:-
- $ sudo make install -j
- $ cd utils
- $ sudo ./
7. Installation Completed
Point to be noted:- Go through this Q&A very thoroughly as this is one of the vital Redis interview questions.
BY Best Interview Question ON 17 Feb 2019