Abstract Data Type

Abstract data type (ADT) is a data type where only behavior is explained but not implemented. Some people also say that the meaning of ADT is a mathematical model for data types. ADTs are important for large-scale programming. An ADT table provides lookup operations to users while keeping the underlying structure, list, or binary tree.

Types of ADT

  • List ADT
  • Stack ADT
  • Queue ADT

All the data is stored in a list with a head structure consisting of count and address to compare functions needed to compare the data in a list. ADT is described in two parts DATA and OPERATIONS. The data part describes the main structure of the data used in the ADT in an informal type, and the operation part describes proper operations for ADT that describes its interface.

Benefits of ADT

  • We can reuse ADT at several places, and it reduces coding efforts.
  • It ensures a robust data structure.
  • The application program cannot tamper with the working of various integrated operations.
  • ADT is based on principles of object-oriented programming and software engineering.
  • Encapsulation makes sure that data can not be corrupted.

The main drawback of ADT (Abstract data type) is its complexity. We make it a bit complex when we add another layer to our data/code. The ADT provides a benchmark of a country’s position at a point in time and its hard work/progress toward implementing these standards and practices.

BY Best Interview Question ON 31 Jan 2023