TCS Interview Questions and Answers

TCS stands for Tata Consultancy Services. TCS is currently the world's second-largest IT service provider. It is an Indian multinational company that particularly deals with consultancy services and information technology. The headquarters of TCS is currently situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is one of the most trustable Indian brands worldwide. In 2018, TCS was ranked 11th on the Fortune India 500 list and 64th among Forbes’s Most Innovative companies all around the world (In 2015). TCS is one of the major private sector employers in India. Every year, TCS hires freshers from all over India and outside India.
This company has an employee amount of 400,875 and 31% of the total employees were women. There are TCS interview questions and answers so the aspirants can be prepared for the interview.TCS hires employees with a three-step recruiting process. This process involves an aptitude test, a technical interview, and an HR interview. TCS interview questions for experienced and freshers are almost of the same level. The placement drive starts with a written test followed by interviews and discussions. A group discussion is also organized for the assessment of general knowledge and communication skills. Below are some TCS interview questions that will help the people who are planning to get into TCS.
Most Frequently Asked TCS Interview Questions
Database Management System or DBMS is the system that is used to store and manage data in a systematic manner so that it can be extracted easily as per the need of its users and can be safe. The users can create the rules of their database according to their needs. In other words, DBMS can also be defined as the interface between the users and the application.
Foreign Key | Reference key |
The foreign key is used to connect the secondary table to the primary table. | A reference key is a primary key that is mainly used to create column level constraints. |
It helps the database to connect two whole tables with a common constraint. | It is not applicable to the whole table. |
Bitmap | B-tree Index |
Bitmap consists of bits for every particular single value. | Bitmap consists of branch nodes and leaf nodes. |
It uses strings to locate elements of tables (rows and columns) | It helps to keep the data sorted and arranged in DBMS. |
Data Abstraction is the process of showing only the information that is relevant for the users and hiding all the other information from them. All the software is based on the basis of the concept of Data Abstraction because there are many points that are not important for the users and if they are shown on the application console then the users will only get confused. This concept helps in showing only the essential parts of the system. There are three levels of data abstraction, Logical level, Physical level, and view level. At the logical level, we have the data administrators who deal with the data stored in the database, the physical level is the level where the data is stored physically in the database, and at the last, View level resides the end user.
C/C++ uses calloc( ) function to allocate a particular amount of memory area. It comprises of two settings and the resulting length will be the product of its two parameters. Calloc works in C/C++ by filling the memory area with Zeros and then returning a pointer to the first byte. If the calloc() function fails to locate enough space it the CPU, it simply returns the NULL pointer.
The malloc( ) function is also used to allocate the memory area but its length will be the value which has been defined in the parameter. Also, memory initialization does not take place in this function.
The free( ) function is widely used to free the allocated memory once the job is done.