What is the drawback of creating a true private in JavaScript?
One of the drawbacks of creating a true private method in JavaScript is that they are highly memory consuming. A new copy for each method is created for every instance.
var Employee = function (name, company, salary) {
this.name = name || "";
this.company = company || "";
this.salary = salary || 5000;
var increaseSlary = function () {
this.salary = this.salary + 1000;
this.dispalyIncreasedSalary = function() {
var emp1 = new Employee("Amar","Mars",3000);
Here, while creating each variable, each instance makes a new copy of emp1, emp2, and emp3 in IncreaseSalary. Thus, making it inefficient for your server end.
BY Best Interview Question ON 20 Jun 2020