This one is a regular TypeScript interview question that almost every candidate faces. Here are the basic data types present in TypeScript described below.

  • Number Types: In TypeScript, number values are floating values which have a type of number. Users can assign any numeric value, including hexadecimal, binary, decimals, and octal literals also.
  • String Types: When a user desires to implement textual data, string types will be needed. It gets denoted by the keyword string.
  • Boolean Types: It is used for declaring variables and accompanied by the keyword boolean.
  • Enum Type: It can be used for numeric values with friendly names. It is declared with the keyword of “enum.”
  • Void Types: Used for the function that doesn’t return any value.
  • Null Types: Used to declare a variable type null. It can be assigned to boolean and number value.
  • Undefined Types: It is used to store the value undefined.
  • Any Types: It can be implemented to ensure data value to declare said values.
  • Never Types: It represents the data type of values that never occur.
  • Array Type: Used to declare data arrays.
  • Tuple Types: This data type allows users to create an array where the fixed number type elements are known but not the same.
BY Best Interview Question ON 08 Jun 2019