In JavaScript data types is an important concept that helps to operate on variables,JavaScript supports mainly two different kinds of data types-

  • Primitives
  • Objects
1. Primitives Data Type

It supports six data types that’s are given below.

  • Boolean: It represents only true or false based on condition.
  • Number: It can be written with or without decimals. Example var num1 = 32;
  • String: It is used to store texts and inside of either double or single quotes. Example var str_one = 'Best Interview Question';
  • Null: It is "nothing" but supposed to be something that does not exist.
  • Undefined: It has no value but variable is exists. Example var MyVariable_1;
    console.log(MyVariable_1); // undefined
  • Symbol: It is new in ES6. It is an immutable data type that have unique value.Example : const BestInterviewQuestion = Symbol(‘BestInterviewQuestion’);
2. Objects Data Type

It is a type of not primitive data Type. It is a collection of properties and these properties are stored in key and value pairs.

BY Best Interview Question ON 18 Mar 2020