Angular 7 interview questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 07, 2024
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Angular 7 interview questions

Angular 7 is a JavaScript web application development framework used to create Single Page Applications (SPAs). This is one of the foremost front-end development frameworks which has been regularly updated by the Angular team of Google. If you are scrolling on the web for Angular 7 interview questions, then this guide will gonna help you.

Angular 7
What is the latest version of Angular? Angular 11.0 released on 11th November 2020
Angular is created by Google
What language does Angular use? TypeScript

Most Frequently Asked Angular 7 interview questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Angular 7 interview questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What is a template in Angular7?

In Angular 7, templates are written with the help of HTML that contains Angular JS specification elements and attributes. The main role of Angular 7 is to combine the templates which ultimately control the dynamic view that is visible to the users in the browsers.

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Q12. What is the difference between structural directive and attribute directive in Angular 7?
Structural directive

The main function of the structural directive is to shape and re-shape the HTML layout, and DOM’s structure. The modification and customization of HTML layout are done by adding, removing and manipulating the selected HTML elements.

Attribute directives

The attribute directive has its own layout view and styles because it has a single component on a host element but it supports multiple directives.

Q13. What are the Core Dependencies of Angular 7?
Angular 7 has two core dependencies namely RxJS and TypeScript
  • RxJS 6.3 – Angular 7 framework uses RxJS version 6.3.
  • TypeScript- Angular 7 framework uses TypeScript version 3.1
Q14. How to set headers for every request in Angular?

In order to set headers for every request in Angular 7, HTMLHttpRequest is used. There is a number of benefits such as testability features, types request, request and response interception, observable APIs and streamlined error handling that is associated with, XMLHttpRequest.

Related Interview Questions: AngularJS Interview Questions
Q15. What are UI components in Angular 7?

Additionally, Angular 7 contains a number of advanced features namely CLI prompts, Component Dev Kit (CDK), drag and drop, virtual Scrolling and improvement in application performance. Given listed questions are the widely asked Angular 7 interview questions and answers. The development of Angular 7 framework is based on several components forming a tree structure hierarchy with parents and child components.

Features of Angular 7

  • Enhanced application performance
  • Angular material and the component dev kit
  • Virtual scrolling & Drag and drop
  • Improved accessibility for selects
  • CLI prompt

Angular 7 is a widely used JavaScript web application development framework. The Angular 7 framework improves the upgrading process. In this blog post commonly asked Angular 7 interview questions are discussed with appropriate answers. Angular 7 has attractive features and standardized specifications such as core Framework, major partner launches, and synchronized significant versions of CLI, advanced chains and Angular material.

Reviewed and verified by Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh

My name is Umesh Singh having 11+ experience in Node.JS, React JS, Angular JS, Next JS, PHP, Laravel, WordPress, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, HTML and CSS etc. I have worked on around 30+ projects. I lo...