Selenium Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Selenium Interview Questions

An open-source and free to use automation test tool, Selenium is used to test web applications. Developers use this tool to run test cases directly in web browsers. Selenium supports most of the popular web browsers, including IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. Developers are free to use programming languages such as Java, Javascript, Python, and PHP to write a test case in Selenium and then running the script to verify test cases in most of the popular web browsers. We have added an interview -specific information to our Selenium Interview Questions. Do not forget to read them!

Developers can run automation test scripts in Windows, Linux an Mac, and can be deployed on Android, iOS and Windows. Selenium is recognized as the most portable, open-source test tool for web application automation. You can now read our updated and huge collection of Selenium Interview Questions.

Most Frequently Asked Selenium Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Selenium Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. What are Selenium 1 and Selenium 2?

Selenium RC and WebDriver, when combined, are known as Selenium 2. Selenium RC is also known as Selenium 1.

Q12. Name the different types of waits in WebDriver.

Two types of waits are available in WebDriver - Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait.

Implicit waits provide default waiting time between each consecutive test step across the test script. Therefore, subsequent test steps will execute only when the waiting time has elapsed after the previous test step.

Explicit waits halt the execution till the time a given condition is met or the maximum wait time has elapsed. Unlike Implicit wait, the explicit wait can be applied only in particular instances.

Q13. What are the uses of findElement() and findElements()?

findElement(): This is used to find the first element on the existing web page matching the specified locator value. You must remember that only first matching element will be fetched.

findElements(): This is used to find all of the elements in the existing web page matching the specified locator value. You must remember that all of the matching elements will be fetched and saved in the WebElements list.

Q14. How is driver.close()command different from driver.quit command?
Answer close() quit()
1. Closes the browser window currently being used or accessed by WebDriver Closes down all the windows that were opened by the program
2. Neither requires parameters nor returns values. Neither requires parameters nor returns values.
Q15. Is Selenium capable of handling Windows pop-ups?

No. Selenium is an automation testing tool that only supports web application testing. It cannot handle Windows pop-ups.

This is one of the frequently asked Selenium Interview Questions.

Q16. How are web-based pop-ups handled in Selenium?

WebDriver offers an efficient way to handle web-based pop-ups using the Alert interface. Developers can use the below mentioned four methods, along with the Alert interface, for treating web-based pop-ups:

  • void dismiss(): Accept() way clicks “Cancel” when window pop-ups appear.
  • void accept(): Accept() method clicks “Ok” button when window pop-ups appear.
  • String getText(): GetText() method returns the text shown on alert box.
  • void sendKeys(String stringToSend): SendKeys() method enters specified string pattern into alert box.
Q17. Explain Junit. What are annotations?

It is a unit testing framework, which was introduced by Apache. This framework is based on Java.


Following are JUnit Annotations:

  • @Test: This annotation tells the system that any method that is annotated as @Test is test method. You can have multiple test methods in one script.
  • @Before: This shows the system that this method will be executed every time before the test method.
  • @After: This method tells the system that this method will get performed every time after the test method.
  • @BeforeClass: This method determines the system that this method will get performed once before any of the test methods.
  • @AfterClass: This method determines the system that this method will get performed once after the test method.
  • @Ignore: It shows the system that this method will not be implemented.
Q18. How is TestNG better than Junit?

TestNG is an advanced framework that helps both developers and testers leverage the benefits. An open source framework, it is distributed under the Apache Software License.

These features make TestNG better than Junit:

  • Tests to confirm the code is multithread safe
  • Supports data-driven testing
  • Supports parameters
  • Includes a variety of tools and plug-ins
  • Flexible test configuration
  • Possible to set test case dependencies
Q19. How is Selenium different from QTP?
Answer Selenium QTP
1. Open source License required
2. Free of cost High price
3. Supports Windows, Linux, Mac Supports only Windows
4. Extensive language support Support only VB Script

Development History

Selenium is a collection of different test tools, and therefore different developers played a role in its development. But primarily, Selenium is the brainchild of Jason Huggins who built it in 2004. With a goal to avoid repetitious manual testing of a web application, Huggins created a JavaScript program to control the browser's actions. This program was called JavaScriptTestRunner, which later became Selenium Core. This information can be asked during Basic Selenium Interview Questions.

Latest Version

The latest version of Selenium available is 3.14, which was released in August 2018.

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