Rust Programming Language Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 07, 2024
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Rust Programming Language Interview Questions

Rust is a system programming language that works beamingly fast, prevents system or the platform from being crashed and eliminate the chances of data races. Rust is a platform that endorses you with both control and safety. In general, Rust Programming Language endorses you with some of the great features like a good control over allocation, the garbage collector is not much required, minimum runtime and close to metal.

Here are some the Rust Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced as well as for those who want to be in that line:

It's beamingly fast system is actually supported by it's compilation to an executable binary, LLVM Optimization Suite, Competitive with C/C++ and LLVM backend. It has undoubtedly a safe & strong abstraction and it guarantees ownership. It also projects great memory management feature that means all the variable have a scope that is valid for. Once it goes out of scope, it gets automatically deallocated. The latest available version is Version 1.31.1

Most Frequently Asked Rust Programming Language Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Rust Programming Language Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. Could using Rust be a safer option compared to C and C++?

The most vital advantage of using Rust over C languages is its emphasis on producing safe code. As manage memory or pointer arithmetic is necessary in C programs, Rust doesn’t require any of it beginning to end. Rust allows programmers to write unsafe code, but defaulting to its safe code.

Q12. How do we read a file into a string?

We have to use read_to_string() method, which defines the on the Read trait in std::io

Q13. How does a user asynchronous input/output in Rust?

There are several libraries available providing Rust asynchronous input/output such as tokio, mio, mioco, rotor and coio-rs.

Q14. What’s the relation between Rust and its reusable codes?

Rust allows developers to arrange code in a way that fosters its reuse. By easy organization of modules available in Rust, which contain various structures, function and even other modules which users can use privately or make public according to their

Q15. What is “cargo new” purposed for?

The cargo new command is used to create a new project in Rust. Rust users can use below syntax create a sample project using Cargo.

$ cargo new project_name –bin

Q16. How does a user read file input efficiently in Rust?

The following function can be used to read file input efficiency in Rust.

  • read()
  • read_to_end()
  • bytes()
  • chars()
  • take()
Q17. Explain the rule of using &self, self and &mut self in the declaration method?

&self : when Read-only reference is required to the function.

self : When a value is to be consumed by the function.

&mut : When a value needs to be mutated by the function with consuming it.

Q18. Explain the significance of unwrap() everywhere function in Rust?

This function is used to handle errors that extract the volume inside an option. It’s also extremely useful for instant prototypes with any errors.

Q19. How to debug Rust programs?

We can use gdb or lldb to debug Rust programs as like C and C++ programming.

Q20. What are the Error Handling procedures in Rust?

Rust Error Handling is categorized into three parts:

  • Recoverable Error with Results : If an error occurs, the program doesn’t stop completely. Instead, it can easily be interpreted or responded.
  • Unrecoverable Errors with Panic : If something wrong goes with the code, Rust’s panic macro comes into action, shows the error message, clean the error and then quit.
  • Panic or Not to Panic : When you are dicey about calling panic or not, write the code that panics and the process will continue as 2nd.

Development History

The history of Rust is basically categorized into 4 parts called EPOCHS:

The personal year (2006-2010)Graydon years (2010-2012) Typesystem years (2012-2014) → Release year → (2015-2016)
Graydon Hoare, with the contribution of with contributions from Brendan Eich, Dave Herman and others designed Rust at Mozilla Research.

Latest Version

Every 2-3 years, a new version of Rust Programming Language is produced.

  • In 2015, the Rust version 1.0 was released
  • In 2018, the Rust version 1.31 was released
Reviewed and verified by Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh

My name is Umesh Singh having 11+ experience in Node.JS, React JS, Angular JS, Next JS, PHP, Laravel, WordPress, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, HTML and CSS etc. I have worked on around 30+ projects. I lo...