R Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Jul 15, 2020
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R Interview Questions

R is a robust programming language and software environment used for statistical analysis, graphical representation, and reporting. It is a well-structured, efficient, and straightforward programming language that includes loops, conditionals, user-defined recursive functions, input, and output facilities.

Read our list of r interview questions to get yourself updated on this language which provides an efficient data handling, storage facility, and a suite of operators for various calculations on arrays, vectors, and matrices.

Besides calculation and statistics, R provides a coherent, extensive, and integrated collection of various data analysis tools. Read the r interview questions to understand how R provides graphical facilities for data analysis and presentation on paper or digitally.

R is the world's most widely used statistics programming language. It's the first choice of data scientists and supported by a range of talented community contributors. It is taught in many universities and is also deployed in mission-critical business applications. This tutorial will give you the most commonly asked r interview questions along with relevant examples in simple and clear steps.

Most Frequently Asked R Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked R Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. How do you make a random walk in R

Here are the correct steps for generating a random walk using the R language:

  • Use the arima.sim() to generate a Randomwalk model.
  • Now, go to the model argument and set it equal to a list(order = c(0, 1, 0)) for generating a RW-type model.
  • After that, set “n” equals 10 sp as to produce 10 different observations and then save this to the random_walk.
  • Now, use the ts.plot()function for plotting your random_walk data.
  • Next, use the diff() function for calculating the first difference between sets of your random_walk data.
  • Now, you can save this as random_walk_diff.
  • Finally, you should use another call to ts.plot() to be used for plotting random_walk_diff
Q12. How do you transpose columns and rows in R?

There are two ways for transposing rows and columns in R.

  • Using t to just transpose the data frame as if it would be a matrix
  • Use tidyr::spread along with tidyr::gather

Note: R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests,) and also graphical techniques, which is highly extensible. Read our list of r programming interview questions to get better in this language and even start working on your own data science project!

Note: R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests,) and also graphical techniques, which is highly extensible. Read our list of r programming interview questions to get better in this language and even start working on your own data science project!

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