Powerpoint Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Mar 11, 2022
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PowerPoint interview questions

PowerPoint is a presentation and slideshow making platform and is a part of MS Office Suite. Here, you can design slides and outlines for the present where you have multiple options such as a display, create interactive slides. PowerPoint Interview Questions are asked frequently from the topics discussed below. The latest versions of both of them are 16.0 and 15.0 respectively developed in the year 2015. PowerPoint was created in the year 1987 by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin. The advancement in the versions and the technical aspect has made the software a hot topic and increased the complexity and the number of PowerPoint Interview Questions.


  • Usability- it is less time consuming and help the user to learn its essential characteristics easily.
  • Organized- MS PowerPoint software help in organizing the content and the slides.
  • Attractive designs- Contains several features such as standard templates, colorful themes, fonts, layouts.
  • The modification is easy- we can add posters, charts, objects, visual aids.

Most Frequently Asked Powerpoint Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Powerpoint Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. How do I edit the master slide in PowerPoint?
  • Click the View tab, click on the Slide Master command.
  • Slide Master view will be switched by the presentation, and then the Ribbon will select the Slide Master tab
  • Scroll up and select the first slide in the left navigation pane and select the first slide. It is a slide master.
  • To make changes to the Slide Master, use the desired tabs on the Ribbon.
  • Move, resize, or delete other objects of the slides as needed.
  • Click the Close Master View command, when you’re finished, on the Slide Master tab.
Q12. How do I edit animation in PowerPoint?
Q13. How do you overlay in PowerPoint?
  • Click on the slide to overlay to be included.
  • Click on Insert Tab.
  • Choose the desired color overlay, and the shapes icon, selecting the desired shape.
  • Picture overlay is also available, and you can click Online Pictures or Pictures icon on the Insert ribbon.
  • Drag the cursor over the object or the text where the overlay is to be applied. The shapes seem to be solid on the mouse release. You have the option of resizing the shapes, and the overlay effect is complete.
Q14. What is the ribbon in PowerPoint?

In PowerPoint, ribbon or tabs are the strips of labels running across the PowerPoint window. The ribbons allow eased access to the tools and the features offered by the program. Also, ribbons save a lot of time by giving access to menus and sub-menus for finding the desired commands.

Q15. How do you hyperlink slides in PowerPoint?
To add a hyperlink in PPT, follow the below-written steps-
  • Select the text or the image at which you want to add a hyperlink, right-click on it and hyperlink.
  • Insert Hyperlink dialog will be opened.
  • Text to display field will appear in the selected text on the top screen. The text is editable.
  • In the Address field, type or paste the address the link in the field and then click Ok.
Q16. How do I make a checkbox clickable in PowerPoint?
  • At the top of PowerPoint, click on the “Insert” tab
  • Click on the “Text Box” button
  • Drag the mouse button across the slide where you want to make the clickable list for opening a new text box
  • Now type the items’ list for the file which is clickable into the text box
Q17. Can you bookmark in PowerPoint?
Yes, we can bookmark in PowerPoint. Follow the steps to add the bookmark-
  • Click the slide or the video where the bookmark is to be added.
  • Click Play on the video.
  • Select the Playback contextual tab, when the video reaches a point to set the bookmark. click
  • Add Bookmark in the Bookmarks group. Observe the small bookmark in the video play bar adding the bookmark in the video.

You can repeat 2nd and 3rd step to add the desired number of bookmarks

Q18. How do I change themes in PowerPoint?
To change themes in the PowerPoint,
  • Visit the Picture Tools Format tab.
  • Click on the command of Compress Pictures.
  • Select your Compression options.
  • Select the Resolution of the theme.
  • Click on OK.
Q19. How can we create a custom theme in PowerPoint?
  • On the View tab, click on Slide Master and select Themes then on the Slide Master tab.
  • Click Save Current Theme.
  • Enter the appropriate name for Theme and click on Save.
  • Click the Theme which you want to point the mouse at. Right click on it and select Apply to all the slides.
Q20. How to compress images in PowerPoint?
To compress images in PowerPoint-
  • Select a slide on the left side of the slide thumbnail pane.
  • In the Themes group on the Design tab, click the More button for opening the entire gallery of themes.
  • Take the mouse the theme to wish to apply.
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