Perl Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on Feb 06, 2023
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Perl Interview Questions

Perl is an open source programming language generally developed for text manipulation, or we could say text editing. It is currently widely used for the task like web development, system administration, GUI development, network programming and more. Officially Perl does not have an acronym, but in backronyms people used it as Practical Extraction and Report Language. Are you for looking for Perl interview questions? As a Perl developer, you would want to know the best possible Perl interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced that you might be asked in your job Interview.


  • Perl is easy to understand
  • Versatile and mature programming language.
  • Perl is low cost as it available on MS-DOS , Windows NT, OS/2 etc.
  • Its multipurpose language nature makes its work on Imperative, Procedural, Functional or Object Oriented, depends upon need.

Most Frequently Asked Perl Interview Questions

Here in this article, we will be listing frequently asked Perl Interview Questions and Answers with the belief that they will be helpful for you to gain higher marks. Also, to let you know that this article has been written under the guidance of industry professionals and covered all the current competencies.

Q11. How to install Perl on Windows?
  • For windows, you are supposed to hit on link.
  • Now choose the version as per your windows that is 32 bit or 64 bit.
  • To To install the downloaded file click twice on it which will bring up the Perl install wizard, now just accept the default settings, wait until the installation is finished and here you ready to use.
Q12. Print hello world using perl also explain it.

$perl -e 'print "Hello World\n"'

-e represent perl interpreter at command line while $ is prompt here. Perl file will be saved with dot (. pl) pl extension.

Q13. Read the following lines and differentiate single and double quote.

1. print "Hello, world\n";

2. print 'Hello, world\n';

Both will gives you different result like this :-

Hello, world
Hello, world\n$

Also quotes interpolate variables and special characters, whereas same thing does not work for single.

Q14. What are the data types we have in perl explain?

There are 3 sorts of data types

  • Scalar :- Scalars could be a string, a number a simple variable or a reference. A dollar sign ($) is the scalar precedent.
  • Arrays :- It’s an ordered list of scalars, which is accessible by numeric index as it is an index, so it's supposed to start with zero (0). @ is the preceded sign for arrays.
  • Hashes :- Hashes are unordered sets of key or value that would be accessible by using the key as subscripts. A percentile (%) sign is the precedent.
Q15. What are references in scalars?
A reference is the an address of a variable.
Q16. Write a function that is only available inside the scope.

$pvt = Calculation(5,5);
print("Result = $pvt\n");
sub Calculation{
my ($fstVar, $secndVar) = @_;
my $square = sub {
return($_[0] ** 2);
return(&$square($fstVar) + &$square($secndVar));
Output: Result = 50


Q17. How to reuse code explain with an example.

Perl provides a reuse code ability which is called inheritance in this child class can use the methods of the parent class.


Package Parent;
Sub foo
         print("Inside A::foo\n");
package Child;
@ISA = (Parent);
package main;


Q18. Why Perl warnings are important?

The Perl warning gives you the most basic way to get a quality check of code that is developed by programmers.

Q19. How Perl uses an interpreter?

The program is compiled into the parse tree by the interpreter which ignores words, spaces or marks after a pound symbol. Once parse tree conversion will be done it will execute it immediately. We know Perl as an interpreted language, which converts the program into bytecode before execution. Moreover, it does not store compiled file.

Q20. How to declare a variable in Perl?
We are not required to declare a variable explicitly to reserve memory space, but its automatically when we assign a value to the variable using an equal sign(=).
Development History

Perl is developed by Larry Wall in 1987 and we currently we are using 5.28.1.

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