MySQL MCQ Questions

MySQL Online Test

So, are you a fresher or a novice in MySQL? It does not matter. Here below is a list of the most frequently asked MySQL interview questions in the format of an online test. If you have read all the questions and answers thoroughly and wish to test your skills, this is the place to come to. If you wish to download the test results, it can be done easily after test completion in the form of a PDF or an email.

This is a set of MySQL MCQ questions. Treat this as a starting guide or even a basic MySQL Quiz if you are not ready yet to face the difficult questions. After completing this online test for MySQL, you shall be receiving a completion certificate from our admin panel. So, get ready for testing your skills in this database framework and get real feedback as to whether you are ready for a job interview or not.

List of Frequently asked MySQL MCQ Questions

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Questions 15

1. Which Of The Following Is An Aggregate Function In MySQL?

2. MySQL supports multiple database storage engines.

3. Normalizations is...

4. Which of the following SQL statements will generate an error when executed?

5. How can we get the number of records or rows in a table?

6. Which of the following scripts will run successfully?

7. Which method is used to get the current time in MySQL?

8. Which commands is used to delete a table called AAA if you have appropriate authority?

9. Which of the following is NOT available in MySQL?

10. Which of the following is used to delete an entire MYSQL database?

11. How much character are allowed to create database name?

12. Which clause is used to sort the result of SELECT statement?

13. Can DISTINCT command be used for more than one column?

14. How much storage space does DATETIME require?

15. A view is nothing but a ................... table or a stored query.