Black Box Testing White Box Testing Grey Box Testing
This is also known as functional testing, data-driven testing, and closed-box testing. Also known as structural testing, precise box testing, code-based testing, and transparent testing. Also known as translucent testing.
It is not suited for algorithm testing. It is perfectly suitable and recommended for algorithm testing. Not considered for algorithm testing.
This kind of testing is based on a trial and error system as the tester does not have coding knowledge. This type of testing takes an approach of verifying the system boundaries and data domains inherent in the software. If the tester has enough knowledge of coding, the way forward is validation data domains and internal system boundaries of the software.
The testing space of tables for inputs is the largest among all the other testing processes. The testing space of tables for inputs is less as compared to Black Box testing. The testing space of tables for inputs is the least.
In this, the user, tester, and developer can be a part of the testing process. In this, only the tester and developer can be a part of the testing process. In this, the user, tester, and developer are part of the testing process.
Here, the basis of testing is the external behavior of the software. Here the basis of testing is purely internal behavior of the software. Here the testing is based on high-level databases and data flow diagrams.
BY Best Interview Question ON 18 Nov 2020