Explain the various types of data models?
There are three types of data models, in general:
1. Conceptual Model: This data model defines what’s contained in the system. The theoretical model is typically created and used by business stakeholders and data architects. Its purpose is the organization, scoping, and the definition of business concepts and rules.
2. Logical Model: The logical model defines the implementation of the system regardless of the DBMS. It is usually created by business analysts and data architects. Its primary purpose is the development of a technical map for the rules and data structures. It shows the entity names, relationships, attributes, primary keys, and the foreign keys in each entity.
3. Physical Model: The Physical data model is responsible for the implementation of the system with regard to a specific DBMS. This model is usually created by DBAs and developers. Its purpose is the actual execution of the database. It displays the primary, foreign keys, table, column names, and column data types.