Bootstrap 4 Positions rapidly configure the position of the elements. The positioning classes are .position-static, .position-relative, .position-absolute, .position-fixed, .position-sticky.

There are three positions in Bootstrap 4:-
  • Fixed top:- Here the position of an element is at the top of the viewport from an edge to an edge. Syntax:-<div class="fixed-top">...</div>
  • Fixed bottom:- Here the position of an element is at the bottom of the viewport from an edge to an edge. Syntax:-<div class="fixed-bottom">...</div>
  • Sticky Top:-Here the position of an element is at the top of the viewport from an edge to an edge but only after the user scrolls down below the position of the element. Syntax:- <div class="sticky-top">...</div>
BY Best Interview Question ON 31 Mar 2019