Don't forget to concentrate your response on how you establish the kinds of professional relationships that are crucial to this position and business. This is one of the most asked Google interview questions.

It was really hard for me to get along with my boss. When I started my first job, I was still a little awkward, a little shy, and very ambitious. My boss would occasionally stop by the store and wasn't there all the time. I felt as though my entire personality froze the instant he walked through the door, leaving me with no choice but to respond professionally and robotically. Even though my job was satisfactory, I could see he was a little upset that I wouldn't communicate with him or act in any way professionally. I was annoyed that I was unable to tell my brain to perform any other task. But, I talked to him and expressed my feelings to him. We were able to understand our misunderstandings and miscommunication. The key to solving issues with someone is communicating with them. This helped a lot to overcome my problems.

BY Best Interview Question ON 27 Feb 2024